Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 35th Birthday--Once in a Blue Moon

I love my birthday! Today is my 35th birthday, a once in a blue moon special day. :)

Once in a Blue Moon is a phrase that means the second full moon in a single month, or as the third full moon in a season that has four full moons. Though the expression "once in a blue moon" is used to describe extremely rare events, blue moons aren't all that unusual, occurring every 21/2 years or so. But a New Year's Eve blue moon is somewhat more remarkable -- we haven't had one since 1990. Blue moons of this sort aren't actually blue in color, though certain natural occurrences, like volcanic eruptions or wildfires, can cause the moon to appear blue, red or orange.Fortunately for New Year's Eve revelers, full moons are also known for stirring up emotions and sparking wild revelry.

My birthdays always make me sparkle. I love the excitement of doing all of my favorite things and saying and doing things I would only do once a year. But on this 35th birthday, I want to mentally capture all the blessings I have in the middle of this season of my life. We ate herb chicken, Swiss chard salad, and blueberry ice cream. I wore pink with Kiera, made avocado pudding and pie with Jayden, danced with Liam, rearranged my bedroom with my mom, sled under the blue moon with Jayden and my dad, and smiled with my husband.

My grandparents will celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary this year. I am filled with optimism tonight that being half of that number is going to be a good thing. 35 may be the year of beginning the next era of my life. I now begin 35 being a mom without babies. I have had babies for nine years.

I am also looking forward to the launching of this website and other endeavors. If you are reading this out of curiosity, welcome. If you need help, I pray you find it here. Actually you will only find it in Jesus Christ. But I would be honored if I could help you find physical wellness here on earth or the hope, peace, and joy in knowing God now and forever with Him!

I love my birthday...and I look forward to being in heaven with Jesus, because as I can see, it will be one big birthday party!!! :) God bless you!

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